Saturday, January 21, 2012

Hair Colours of the last Year and a Half

So I redyed my hair AGAIN! I get so bored of the colours.

I had the idea of sharing pics of the last few I've had.

Going I think from Oldest to Latest.

First of all this is an old and a new, Couldn't find two pics of these.
(Yes that is Si's finger in the background.)

Reddy Brown with Carmel stuffs.

Berry Black

Reddy Brown with Carmels again
(It seems to be a default)

Blonde Purple Mess

Slightly Corrected Purple Mess

Dark Brown with Blonde, Purple and Turquoise stuffs

What do you think?


  1. Fun! Hair is so awesome because you can do so much fun stuff with it! Love seeing how your hair has changed! Love the lipstick in that very last pic :)

  2. Wow that's a lot of different changes. I've been going through a lot of different shades myself, black, blonde, purple, red, dark brown, black again and now I'm a bright red, hoping to get it back to blonde withing the nex year or so.

  3. I really like your makeup in the slightly corrected purple mess and like carmel/red the best on you!

  4. Thank you, I love to try out different colours to see what works best.
